+ Wedding Vows Articles I, Bride, take thee, Groom, to be my lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold from this...
+ Tips on Creating a Reception Menu Articles, Caterers, Featured Venues Do you remember three years back, going out on a dinner date, and your boyfriend asks you, “ What...
+ Disposable Cameras at Weddings Articles, Photo Booths, Photographers, Videographers Is it really necessary to spend a lot of money on a professional photographer? Many people will answer “yes”...
+ Don’t forget your Passport Articles, Honeymoons Is your honeymoon the first vacation out of the country? If so, be prepared for the process you will...
+ Something Blue…Part 4 Articles The last part of the traditional poem, Something Blue dates back before the 19th century where it was traditional...
+ Unique Alternatives to Unity Candle Articles, D-I-Y Ideas, HP Featured The joining together of two lives as one, is commonly represented symbolically, by the traditional lighting of a Unity...
+ How to Make an Easy Fabric Flower Bouquet for Your Wedding Articles, D-I-Y Ideas, Flowers Fabric flower bouquets are the hottest trend! For those who have bad allergies and can’t have fresh...
+ Original DIY Projects for your Wedding Day Articles, D-I-Y Ideas Here are some great DIY projects that will be sure to add individual personality to any wedding. 1.) “A...